28 deposits received so far. We're confirmed to go ahead. Plenty more room Received from: Naughty Newfies (2) L&E (2) duckman and Kelly (2) divepres8 (2) ShaneandJenny (2) NateG (2) Zacouple (2) Catherine & Mike (2) TandC (2) fun4ever (2) Yolo33ers (2) rutempted (2) Joe&Simone (4)
Cancuncare Boobs Cruise Monday 20th April (Confirmed) We are booked! First time... Actually staying at a different resort, but are super psyched to party with everyone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
32 deposits received so far. We're confirmed to go ahead. Plenty more room Received from: Naughty Newfies (2) L&E (2) duckman and Kelly (2) divepres8 (2) ShaneandJenny (2) NateG (2) Zacouple (2) Catherine & Mike (2) TandC (2) fun4ever (2) Yolo33ers (2) rutempted (2) Joe&Simone (4) Dieselman (4)
First timers here... if we wait until we are on the resort to book, will it be too late? We don't know which day is the best to book but also don't want to miss out on the fun! -Tina