45 deposits received, we're confirmed to go ahead. Plenty more room. JanScott (8) - David n Rosa - Bill n Chris - Roy n Marie Lotsatimers (2) RTK (2) Mardigrastocanacun (2) MrJandSluttyQuinn (2) Edawgthecat (2) Girlfortony (2) Emig-Shay (2) Dennis P (2) FFC/WBA (2) Guido and Blondie (2) Stepaul555 (4) LeeAnn & Gary (2) Volleyballjodi69 (2) Kluge (2) pchouseboat (4) Ozarks (2) redmuller (1)
Just booked for the 19th. Can't wait, hurry up May. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.