22 deposits received so far. Tim & Brenda (2) KandE (2) Fitnesnut (2) Bhoyt (2) sexyfunincancun (2) a.arnold1985 (2) tattooed1167 (2) JDnHN (2) MelandTrevw (2) The B's (2) Bscalis (2) We are a little short of our 25 minimum but we will be going ahead anyway and will switch this date to confirmed. Please everyone make the effort to show up on the day, also feel free to spread the word and bring people along you may meet at the hotel, they can pay on the day. We will also have some publicity done at the hotel and hopefully by the time the date rolls around we'll be 30-40 people.
We are so glad it's confirmed and can't wait to meet everyone Hopefully we can get even more people on the trip
28 deposits received so far. Plenty of room. Tim & Brenda (2) KandE (2) Fitnesnut (2) Bhoyt (2) sexyfunincancun (2) a.arnold1985 (2) tattooed1167 (2) JDnHN (2) MelandTrevw (2) The B's (2) Bscalis (2) LACHURRI (2) Charbonneau (2) enrique machado (2) Please everyone make the effort to show up on the day, also feel free to spread the word and bring people along you may meet at the hotel, they can pay on the day. We will also have some publicity done at the hotel and hopefully by the time the date rolls around we'll be 30-40 people.