Rolltide...go to the first page oof the forum...all the info is there Welcome Aboard, me hearties....argggggggh!! We are now the little boat cruise that COULD!!!!
ATTN BOOB CRUISE "lifestylers" If you are in the lifestyle and are planning on getting on the Boob cruise for the 2nd, Please contact us by PM!!! something being planned! :angel1:
We have Corona beer (nicer than Dos Equis at the hotel imho), Vodka, Rum, Tequila, all the mixers such as Coke, 7up and Orange juice plus various cocktail additives such as Grenadine etc and we have purified water of course. To be honest, none of the liquor can be described as premium, it's fairly cheap stuff but the same as what is served at the hotel. You are welcome to bring your own bottle if you want something top shelf.
Booze is booze Steve... I am as blue collar as it gets so no worries on the top shelf crap! If it gets us drunk, we are all good. Was just curious as Kellie is the fruity umbrella drink kinda lady but after a few she doesnt tell how much is in there anyhow. Just a curiosity thing for starting her out. Thanks for the get back
girlie drinks rock!!! HIGH /\ 5 KELLIE!! ....we are gonna get along just fine!!! If worse comes to worse....i make a mean bahama mama!!! :aetsch004:
Hey Steve, I had heard that Chino was working on the Boobs Cruise - is that true? I haven't seen him in any of the recent pics.
Change of plans........ OK everyone joining us on the boob cruise, we were talking between a few of us and wanted to see if we could jazz up the cruise in our own special way to have fun. We were thinking since it was so close to Easter to get as many of the ladies on the cruise to bring with and wear some bunny ears and a fuzzy tail. Guys if you wanna join in the fun also and wear some ears please do! The more the merrier. We're even gonna try to get Chinos to join in with us bringing some ears for him!! Who all wants to join in on this one??!!! 1st annual "Boobs n Bunnies" cruise?
I say you take some bunny or egg stickers and pass them out to the ladies and men to wear on their bodies....and then the object is to collect the most by the end of the trip...and how you would ”collect” them may involve body shots, or anything people may dream up to win get the idea Im sure!!
Yes, he's been working on our Boobs Cruise since October along with Omar, neither have missed one yet we're up to about No 18 I think. Plenty of pics of him on the Boobs Cruise facebook page: Also Lennies thread here: and Chinos's current Facebook profile pic is a photo I took of him on the last cruise.