Sorry about that, the link is fixed. For some reason the forum software changes the link on occasion - no idea why!
:bunny: BOOBS 'N' BUNNIES Okay how excited is everyone getting? I know I am wound right up!!! I've been shopping and I think that I only need bunny tail, stickers (what are they for??), and beads (again what are they for?). Someone asked to get more details on the "Egg Painting Contest", but I'm not sure what to say. It is not something that I wanted to be complicated so if the majority thinks it is too much then we just won't do it. Idea- in Mexican slang they use the term "huevos" to refer to a mans testicles - translation of huevos in English is "eggs" - keeping with the easter theme I thought it could be fun to paint some huevos - who's huevos that you want to paint is up to you (and your possible partner). By the nature of this crowd, I don't think that anyone that wants to participate will get left out. - people that want to paint should bring their own brush, paints, and drop sheet (ie. towel, poly) - **reminder** a smooth canvas is an easier canvas and edible paint makes for a more exciting clean up Does anyone know the rule on the island where we stop? Just thought that this could be a safer venue for our painting contest, but is there no nudity. Another option would be to have this competition right before we go snorkeling so that we aren't sticky all day. Again, please give me your thoughts because I don't want it to be complicated- just fun!
The upper quotes were from earlier in the thread. The idea of the stickers were to give people something as incentive to "earn", like the beads at Mardi Gras. I love the idea but the question I posed is that we are all going to be lubed up with sun tan lotion, so how will the stickers stay on us?(we bought some just in case. I had the idea to use beads instead of stickers that you have to earn as you know they will stay on you. Each person can make their own rules as to how you have to "earn" them, and you can accept or decline... no worries or pressure, but he/she with the most beads wins!!! :bunny: BOOBS 'N' BUNNIES CRUISE!!!! :bunny: :flash: BUNNY GRAS :flash: Getting VERY amped up myself. Wish that Kellie could be in on the secret right now as well! I think the "egg" painting is by far the best idea! Gotta keep it! :clappyinghappy: I do think however it should be saved for closer to last... perhaps the cruise back to the resort? That way we aren't putting paint into the water or being "sticky" all day. We could have people partner up(w/spouse or someone else) or couple up, and have a contest as to who paints the best "eggs" and for the fastest edible paint clean up! prizes for the winners? or perhaps the losers??... Any ideas?
im on vacation....i'm gonna go with the flow, see how i'm feeling...participate in what i want to, not participate in what i don't want to...see how things go...i just don't want to end up bein a "julie mcCoy" and plannin out everyones day....i get the impression that these cruises have their own preset agenda...otherwise they wouldnt be so darn successful. Bring it on Steve, Chino and Omar.....i wanna soak up the sun, the rum and ...ok...more rum.... We are gonna have a blast...doesnt matter what we do...or dont do.... close i can taste it!!! WOOT WOOT!!
We'll need to keep this on the boat I think.... just dont spill paint on the deck, Captain will go crazy. We do have a bit of 'freedom' at the beach club we stop at for lunch but we have to be a little careful depending on who else is there (we try to be the first ones there but sometimes there are other people) Snorkeling is the first stop, about 11am. I think we'll need to be further into the cruise in order for people to be sufficiently inebriated for this to go well. Probably one for the 20 min trip between lunch and downtown. Or just before skinny dipping after the downtown stop.
49 deposits received so far. Just 11 places left! Still 2 weeks to go. Deposits received from: shymlfbidylf (2) sexykarma_888 (2) linga (2) Sun Lovers (2) Here4fun (4) MJProtts (4) Textile Free (2) Racer1510 (2) Meims & Jimxtc (2) Lh1 (2) Caribbean (2) Samileo (1) T&J (2) Cancun44 (1) Cassandmar (2) KorinMike (2) CanadaKim (2) Sxychgocpl (2) MichellenSteve (2) Rob&gf (2) FrenchFifi (1) Zohan & Mama (2) Maintain (2) lookin4friends (2)
OH GOD... no you didn't just call out Steve, Chino and Omar? Thats like asking to be struck down by lightning I hear!! Now your in for it! LOL Rather than paints, I picked up some cake decorating icing tubes of different colors. think that should be much safer on the boat rather than paint of any kind. Also much tastier! Got the bunny outfit, beads, whipped cream. Now we just need the booze, sea and an amazing crew!