We've never experienced the dinner buffet outside either...might like to take that in....hhhmmm.....I was thinking the same thing about getting reservations for such a large group as well. I honestly think it doesn't matter where everyone ends up it will be a good time regardless!!!! See you soon!!!! :cheerleaders:
"Huevo Concurso de Pintura" Steve I might need some help on this translation "Egg painting contest" Get the paint brushes and paint ready ladies! Keeping with the theme of Easter, I have an idea! All around the world people use different slang terms which foreigners don't understand. We have terms like balls, nuts, sack, etc. Well Mexicans use the term "huevos"! Which in direct translation is "eggs". So what do you think? Should we have an egg painting contest? Oh and ladies your hubby may need your help that morning making sure that you have a nice smooth canvas!
LOVE IT!!!!!! :xyxthumbs: where the hell did you dig that up from? WOW pulled that staight outta your ass! LMNO water colors or body paints? and do we get to paint the ladies chests then also?
Hahahahahbahahaha! Well I used to work with a 12 men Mexican crew for 5 years. It always seems that you learn the slang and swear words first. I don't know, but I was thinking of your suggestion from your last message and it just popped it to the head! I was thinking though, that people who want to participate should bring their own paint (body, water, whatever) brushes, and drop sheet (ie towel). I just want to make sure nothing gets on the boat. Maybe we could find a piece of poly when we get down there. Chocolate paint is yummy!
Well I can't remember what the slang term for boobs is, but I think it's chi chis (chee chees). I would think that things would just transpire in that direction. I think I would like to paint some chi chis myself!
Bring your paints then. I will rustle up some of our own... or with all the different flavors of boozy whipped cream we could be abstract artists. vanilla, chocolate, caramel, strawberry, raspberry......
sexy karm 888, whats this about a dinner for the group of us from the Cruise? Sorry my navigation skills around this site are less than average to say the least. Dinner then Coco Bongos or dinner at the resort or ?
thats universal....i can swear fluently in francais, but cant order a fancie dinner in a french restaurant......go figure!! omg...who is bringing the insulin?!?! Deb
All in favour of informal plans at the El Emarcadero Buffet (outside)? I was thinking the same thing about the sixe of the group .....from previous trips and several a la cartes experience....i have to agree with Meims about the restaurants wanting to create a specific ambience...i think this outside buffet would be a beautiful way to end the evening......AFTER A POWER NAP AND A GOOD SHOWER to wash off the salt, sand, whipped creme and body paint....or i will be a walking buffet for the ants and moskitos..... that way...the lingerers can linger, the snoozers can snooze...the partiers can party...AND THE COCO BONGOers can join us if they want before they go!! i just dont know if i will recognize anyone with their tops on... Cancun44 (i dont know your name!?!)....alot of us were going to sit out COCO BONGO in lieu of a post cruise dinner (we leave early the next day)...but our large interested group may not be able to be accomadated at the a la cartes....read back in the thread....