I think your bahama mama sounds fantastic! We don't go off resort to Coco Bongos either, sitting this one out with Linda, Gaston and many more I am sure! Can you imagine me loosing Jim in Coco Bongos! His white cane would not help much in such a large crowded place LOL!
LOVE IT!!! so how do we do it without getting everyone to have bunny or egg tans all over their bodies? or how do they stick with all the sun lotion? can we just use mardi gras beads and have people earn them in the way the giving person chooses that you earn it. ...or, it is more bulky, but we could have people bring a cheap easter basket and some plastic hollow easter eggs and do the same kinda thing? With there being only one golden egg and have Chinos decided who is worth of the golden egg at the end of the trip!! I am starting to see the sense of what Steve was saying about being wiped out and NOT taking the trip to Coco Bongo's either that night. Instead there is a theme night we should all try to start rousing up more attention about is the "naughty occupation" night. Dress up as any kind of occupation and make it as naughty as you dare! Anyone game for that after the cruise for the evening?
What is this about the "naughty occupation night"? I did'nt think there was a theme after being on the cruise! I am not sure that I would like to be the target of winning a golden egg from Chinos! You just don't know what he is capable of LOL! :bunny:
Just taking the themes from other threads and putting it to work! The golden egg is just an idea I threw out there as a motivation to "earn" from chino being the "judge" as to a means get people more motivated to do something wild and one up the others! As if booze wasnt enough
We had a lovely Sailor Girl join us when we got to the island and cruise back with us on the boat last year! Body shots on every bit! :mermaid:
BAHAMA MAMA'S....We're all for that! Along with the Meims and Sexykarma and whoever else want to stay at the resort we'll keep the party going all night long!!! :lurking:
Do you wanna plan on doing the sexy/naughty occupation theme with us that night? should be fun to see all the different jobs people would choose!!
Fantastic plan Linga, the theme being Sexykarma's BAHAMA MAMA'S! Lulu at the quiet pool make a wicked version of them! :daveandmo::daveandmo:
OOOOOHHHH....IS THAT A CHALLENGE?!?!?....lol....jk... okok...LULU can take over after I'm too hammered to make them anymore...which more than likely be when i fall off the boat....(hic....s'cuse me...was that your battery pack or are you just really happy to see me?!?....) BAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!! bring it on.....i may have to come up with a back-up drink..... for the after-cruise party!!