
Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by yorkshiregal, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. yorkshiregal

    yorkshiregal Newbie Registered Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    Hello, me and my partner are planning on booking a holiday to Cancun in June next year but I have a few questions:
    What is the weather like in June?
    Is it hurricane season?
    Does many British go there?
    Where is the best place to swim with dolphins and do they take pictures for you what you can buy after?
    Is there any romantic places to go?
    Thank you in advance
  2. jspang

    jspang Guest

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    Weather in June will be very warm but great for the beach and pool. Many places to swim with dolphins - we did it at Xcaret and they do photo's and video for you if you want to purchase. Hurricane - I would not worry about that, it could happen but very unlikely. You will enjoy Cancun, many things to do and the people are great. Have fun.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Weather in June is hot over 90 degrees for most of the month. June 1st is officially start of hurricane season but hurricanes that early are rare, and even then chances of Cancun being affected are minimal.

    There are lots of places to swim with the Dolphins, personally I think Isla Mujeres is the best option but there are perhaps 10 different places so something to suit all itineraries. Yes, they'll take pictures and video too you can buy afterwards.

    Yes, there are lots of British who come here, more and more each year it seems and a large proprortion of those are on repeat trips.

    Some useful links below:
  4. branjoelina

    branjoelina Newbie Registered Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    And with the Euro/Pound so strong, there will be lots more Brits there as well.
  5. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
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    The weather in June is smoking hot. You will need nothing but a bathing suit, shorts and tee shirts or preferably tank tops, and sandals. That will be it for clothes except for the romantic part but even then keep it light. But it is great in June. You will just want to get to the air conditioning quite often.

    Hurricane season technically begins June 1 but we don't see much that early. Wilma was in late Oct, 2005. We have warnings often but for whatever reason they seem to be coming at Cancun but turn north at the last minute. But Dean went south a few months ago so who knows. Bottom line for hurricanes is don't worry about them. They are actually quite rare in the big scheme of things.

    Does many British go there? Now that is a tough question. About 200 I think. Really, Cancun is quite popular with the Brits.

    A very nice place to swim with the dolphins is at the shopping mall, Plaza La Isla, right in the Hotel Zone. You will see a link (Black and Yellow) to Entertainment Plus at the bottom of this page. You can live chat with my friend Trina after 1 PM CST. I took her there to swim herself when her hubby, the big baby, was too sick to go. So she can give you first hand experience. And you can buy photos and maybe videos. Trina will know for sure.

    Is there any romantic places to go? Another tricky question. Do you mean like to eat, dance, watch sunsets or what.
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