Hey~ I have sent 2 emails and left a voicemail for Vic. We always order our Boogie Boards from him...and have not received a response via email or phone. Has anyone been in contact with Cancun Valet lately?? Thanks, Cindy
As of 10:45 am today (Tues) I have not heard from him via email or cell. Maybe I will try to call him again. We arrive Sunday and just want to make sure he received our order, and I need to pay as well. Thanks
Miss Impatient. How are you doing? I see Kim's message was late yesterday afternoon and your reply was this morning. We are not yet on Daylight Savings Time so maybe Vic was not in high gear just yet as we are two hours behind EST, although you may be on CST. I am sure he will be contacting you today. Please post and let us know one way or the other. Kim or I will be happy to call him. This is unusual as he is usually on top of things.
April 6, according to raretail, when I was confused last weekend. So it would be 2 am the first Saturday of the month, which is really early Sunday morning. http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37933 I have a flight to FL on Sunday and the time was changed by an hour. Actually it was just to reflect that the US changed times but Mexico did not. I leave tachnically an hour later but arrive at the previously scheduled time. Last year this happened to me too when the time changed in the states but not here. I could not understand why, since the arrival time did not changed, it seemed that the flight took an extra hour. This was strange since the flight only lasts about 90 minutes anyway and was now 2.5 hours. No one at Spriit's 800 number couild explain. Finally a friend here who works for Spirit made the common sense explanation.
You must know me...yes...little miss unpatient As of now 3 pm, I have checked my 2 emails and my voicemail..nadda. I know, I have always heard back within a day..at least. I got the order placed, however; it says that CV will contact you for payment. That was last Friday. Just very unusual. I thought maybe there was a glitch in my email at home, so I sent another from my office. When I still heard nothing I called and left a voicemail. If I do not hear from him by Wednesday TJ..I might take you up on the offer to give him a call. I am sure he just for some reason has not received my emails or message. I WANT MY BOOGIE BOARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!HEHHE