my boyfriend said that lil wayne is the best rapper alive the other day too. i told him that i hope he is joking.
I think its because people love the NOW intead of actually thinking about what they say.... and Wayne is definitely NOW.... give it a yr or 2 there will be another best rapper alive
Kid cudi crookers remix i heard this in malia summer just gone and in the last month it has been on the radio quite alot! So i think this will be the tune of cancun.
He has been the best rapper alive the last 4-5 years to me! Im not a "new" wayne fan, I still remember "the block is hot" is first cd, I still have it in my car in my disk changer. New wayne is ok, but if want the real wayne hit up the Gangster Grillz mix tapes, he murders it!!! Best rapper alive!
Gansta grillz? lil wayne? what the hell is going on, i've never heard of these people... god i'm well out of touch haha! I'll stick with the old skool rock and trance thank you very much, ignorance is bliss :lol:
i LOVE lil wayne. lil wayne is the best rapper alive. i loved lil wayne before he was even big. lil wayne has been on my playlist since 1943. :wink: mehhh they play all the same songs here, not that i mind in the clubs it gets hype the way clubs should be?!? lil wayne a milli, T.I swagger like us, rihanna and t.i, even soulja boi has wormed his measly way into everyone's 2-step. i shall be bringing my ipod to listen to some easy listening whilst getting ready at the hotel... non of this stuff you kids call music these days :roll: haha