LiTTLEMiSSJENNA Here's a link to the Dady Rocks party night. Have fun Daz.
We'll be there also Hey... I have 4 friends and myself going to be there from May6th-13th. We love to party hard.... what's everyone got planned? We are also huge in Meetup, so we'd have fun meeting people from other cities. We are all from Raleigh, North Carolina.
In Cancun May 6-13th Hey Im Scotts friend aka ennissl. Im up for anything.. would love to get together with the MEETUP Group from Vegas Bombdog! I lived in Vegas from 2000-2004 and loved it. I wish they had when I was there. I live in Raleigh, NC now! We are staying at the Park Royal Parimades Hotel.. How do we get in touch with you to hang out???