Newbie couple heading to Cancun in early April. We are not swingers but would love to meet other couples that like to drink and have fun. Open to going topless in private pool or late night. Body shots would be fun as well. We like to let go on vacation with fun nice people but not really interested in swinging per say. But who knows - ha. Not interested in swingers resorts, Temptations looks fun but dont want to be around younger couples (we are in our mid forties) or loud music all day. If anyone has any recommendations or would be interested in meeting - we are looking to book this weekend. Dave and Dawn
Temptation definitely skews older… I’d say average age is 35-50. And they also have the ‘quiet pool’ and bar if the main pool gets to be too much. Been going for almost 10 years now, I’m 44 and felt I was in the majority age range. GP is definitely quieter, and older. Still a fun crowd but definitely more chill. And body shots happen around the tiki bar sometimes. I’ll be at GP for the week around Easter, not a swinger, but always looking for fun people to hang out with.
We do appreciate your response. How wild does the pool get. What percentage of the women are topless. And of that percentage, are they younger or older. What are the games like. We want to have fun but dont want to be forced to do anything Thanks again
You definitely will not feel forced to do anything. Topless % depends on the crowd, but I’ve alway felt there were plenty topless so I always felt comfortable without. In my experience it seems like the younger ladies keep their tops on. But it’s anywhere from 25-75% depending on the people/groups there. Games are just silly pool games… sometimes lap dance competition, beer chugging contest. Pole dance competition. There’s never any pressure to participate in the games. The pool itself doesn’t really get ‘wild’ other than body shots, and that’s usually within a group, so no one is going to run up to you and make you uncomfortable. I’ve actually gone with my mom a few times, and she was comfortable (she didn’t go topless). So it’s not a wild free for all, or she never would have come back. It’s just a fun time where you can let loose and be as involved (or not) as you want. There’s even the quiet pool if you want some chill time.