There are probably far too few readers of this forum who are engaged in businesses here in which they must get visas for expat employees under the law in effect since November 11, 2012 to have enough data to get meaningful feedback on this speculation, but it will be an interesting aspect of the application of the new law to see how this goes.
V, my second visit to the "new" immigration was no better than the first. The "information" lady outside had no idea whether I can get my son his visa under "unidad familiar", so she gave me a number, with 80 people ahead. 2 hours later, there were only 60 people ahead, so I gave up and went home. Fortunately, the Mexican consul in Houston is a lot more efficient and helpful. He clarified, what I already assumed from the wording of the app, that adult children do not qualify under that category and must return to the states to start the process. Strange how you can bring adult brothers or sisters or parents, but an adult son doesn't qualify. Aplicable a: · Al mexicano o extranjero titular de la condición de estancia de residente temporal, residente temporal estudiante o residente permanente que solicita una visa para extranjero con quien acredita vínculo familiar y se encuentra en territorio nacional Tipo de visa expedida por unidad familiar · Visa de residente permanente: hijos menores, padres o hermanos de mexicanos y extranjeros residentes permanentes. · Visa de residente temporal o de residente temporal estudiante: hijos menores, padres, cónyuge, concubina de extranjero residente temporal o residente temporal estudiante. · Aplica al extranjero cónyuge, concubina de mexicano o de extranjero residente temporal o residente permanente.
Good work Tristan, but having read what you quoted from the INM, do you really think an adult child would be eligible even if he went to the Embassy or Consulate to apply? I'm sorry you encountered a long line. I think I mentioned earlier the importance now of getting there at or before 8 AM as a way to possibly avoid this happening. Please don´t tell me you went at 8 AM and there were already 80 people ahead of you, that would be awful.
He would be eligible the same as any other person would be. Being the adult child of a resident wouldn't help. One thing that confuses me is the part under "acreditar"............ Al que pretenda internarse en la condición de residente temporal para permanecer un tiempo mayora 180 días y no mayor a 4 años. Requisitos 1. Formato de solicitud de visa/ application form attached 2. Pasaporte/ Passport and copy of it 3. Fotografía/picture, Passport size, front and no glasses 4. Comprobar legal estancia 5. Comprobar pago Acreditar 1. Solvencia económica 2. Carta invitación 3. Unidad familiar Solvencia económica: Carta de institución de crédito mexicana o extranjera o institución financiera similar o fideicomiso en donde se acredite que el solicitante tiene saldo promedio mensual equivalente a 20 mil días de salario mínimo (97.969.24usd) cuenta con empleo con ingresos mensuales mínimos de 400 smvdf (1959.26) durante un periodo de 6 meses. Letter from financial institution or bank in which its stated that the applicant has had for the last 6 months an investment of at least 97,969.24 usd or income of at least 1959.26 for the last 6 months. These are the requirements for anyone trying to come to Mexico with termporary residence, so why the letter of invitation and "unidad familiar"? I'm going to try to get that clarified. No, I didnt get there at 8am, but I never used to, either, and never took over 2 hours, total.
Exactly. I used to advocate going around noon, as by then the rush was often over. That doesn't work now, and I'm planning to go at about 7:45 AM tomorrow to check to see how my process is going at this point. I believe the demand is unusally large at this time in part owing to the changes to the law, which has greatly increased the numbers of visitors to the office whose main purpose is to seek information, rather than submit tramites. This will pass, as people get more familiar with the provisions. As I read the "acreditar" section you quoted, it is merely speaking of three different avenues to temporary residence- one based on personal wealth, one on having a substantial job offer, and the last being the family connection route which, as it appears, may not be open to an adult child. (I'm going along with the suggestion, without looking at the law, myself. The advice you were given and the section you quoted seem to bear you out, and I don't want to look it up myself which, as you know, can eat up quite a lot of time.) As for differences, an application based on personal wealth would not include permission to work, one based on a job offer would. Again, I congratulate you on your taking the time to dig into the law and regulations. Most people can't be bothered, but love to complain. (I understand that to do what Tristan is doing requires a good working knowledge of Spanish, something not all have, and they must rely on others.)
Ah, that sounds like a logical explanation. Btw, I'm Mexican-American, so this is particularly frustrating since I was raised on the Texas-Mexico border by my Mexican grandmother. I could have gotten citizenship based on that, except my grandmother was born on a farm by midwife and there are no records that I can find. I've been here grappling with this system for 11 years.
I went back this AM to see if the hard card was ready. I arrived at twenty mintes before 8:00 and was given number one (there were perhaps 15 people in front of me in the line outside, but they were there for another of the three processes that require you join a line). The offices opened at 8:00 and another 25 minutes passed before the desk for "entrega de documentos" began to function. The first two numbers were called. About ten minutes passed before the person handling this line returned with the message that my document had not been received yet from Mexico City and to return in a few days (I plan to return in one week to give just a couple of extra days and improve the chances this will be my last trip.) This visit confirmed something I believed, that the hard cards are prepared in Mexico City now, and this adds time to the wait time required after fingerprinting. I'm sure this was done with an eye on transparency and anticorruption efforts, both of which I appaud. There was yet another example in this trip to INM of the many ways in which the staff confuse the clients: the person I dealt with, who spoke English well enough by the way, insisted on calling what I was being given an "FM2". It's not, of course, but he found it convenient to refer to it that way. I feel sorry for those who must rely on what the staff there tells them by way of explaining the law and processes. I often say it is a mistake to rely exclusively on what the staff says, though for many this will only seem natural. They are not the best source for this type of information, something Í've repeatedly experienced in my dealings with them over the last 3.5 years or so. _______________________
They just told my wife at INM that the 6 month requirement for financial records is only for new visas. That renewals will only need to show 3 months. Anyone heard something similar? I know the misinformation at INM is rampant, so, I find that hard to believe.
As I read it, a new application requires proof that the new applicant meets the stiff, new financial requirements. A renewal should require nothing more than a letter saying your situation hasn't changed in the last year. The three months of records for a renewal is just someone clinging to the old standards, it seems to me. If the local office asks for three months financial records for a renewal, there is no alternative to providing them, but a renewal should not require meeting the new, higher financial requirements; however, applying for a renewal, and at the same time requesting more than one year on a temporary resident status is inviting closer financial scrutiny, as I see it, so if your case is problematic on this point, better to ask for one year and give them the opportunity to offer you more, once they have seen your paperwork.
New Procedures There is clearly a thinking man/woman in charge at INM now. At the last stage of the process, that of delivery of the immigration document (hard card) to you, it is no longer necessary to get in line to take a number. A list of those whose cards are available to pick up is posted in the front window of the offices. If your name appears, you go to the person handing out turns outside and inform her: without standing in line or waiting, she hands you a turn to pick up your document. You go inside and wait to be called; but, because it has already been confirmed that your card is ready, no checking will be required, and this line will move fast. _______________________ On a related subject, I went at 7:40 yesterday and there were already 26 people ahead of me in the line. If people continue to go earlier and earlier to get in the line, now that word is out, a time will come when it will again be profitable in terms of time saved to go near noon, check the waiting room and, if the numbers of those waiting seem small, to take a number and sit down.