hay i'm coming to cancun on the 24th with 6friends ive been before but my pals aint!! i was there during the hurricane!! has it changed much? any1 out there the same time as me?
Hi and welcme 24th of what July? And yeah everything is fine, just one or two places closed, but most hotels are rebuilt and bigger and better than ever
Cancun has changed a lot, in my opinion for the better. While some places have closed since Wilma struck, many of them have been replaced by establishments that are more upscale. In fact, the sponsor of this bulletin board, My Place, happens to be new, a direct result of the storm. 212eric
For the better?? I kid I kid We have lost Fat Tuesdays sniff snif.... Ok ok so maybe the hurrican didn't close it...but we still miss it :lol: