I am scheduled to be in cancun from May 6th to the 10th. I just found out that starting the 10th is international gay week. My question is how crowded will it be and when will all the gay people start arriving. I dont mind gay people I just dont want to go on vacation with them. Should I not worry about it or reschedule. I just dont want to be the only male female couple around.
I say go.....unless you are uncomfortable w/ your sexuality then re-schedule .....ps that wasnt an attempted insult or anything i was being serious lol
Geez...the "split topic" edit function didn't work for me this time. Oh, well. Sorry, guys. Tried to split the discussion from the original question and pertinent answer, and it obviously didn't work. Check out the link in the prior post to continue. Otherwise, faulkster, am pretty sure you have your answer from Steve, eric, et al :lol:
Sorry if I offended any one with my question.The only thing I was worried about was the possiblity of being in a resort that would be majority gay couples and being out of place. I have friends that are gay and we are still friends. The last time I checked I lived in America (free speech), but to some of you I guess it is ok to be gay but its just not ok for people like me to ask questions about it. Sorry if I upset you CrazyCunuk.