got my 8 gig, SDHC card in the mail earlier this week. This cam is sooo small. Everything uploads via usb, no tape, or DVD's...just how I like it. If they have usuable pc in the oasis, what I'll do is uplad each days content to my ipod nano. Then delete, and start over again. 8 gigs in HD mode is like 4 hours of video.
I dont see why not. All of the footage i've seen from peoples personal vids and pics, says a big yes to me. Plus mine is sooooo small, it can fit in any of my pockets. And for some reason most of the shorts that I just bought, has alot of roomy pockets. Good thing to.
i see myself taking tons of videos with my low definition cell phone... the ones where u cant really hear what the song is, neither what people is saying, and so dark u dont know who is in the video... and they will be in youtube hahahahahaha
I you put me on youtube, I want royalties. Im definitly putting you on youtube though...thats a given.
If you manage to film any ladies will they be saying this........