So I decided I'm gonna try and film a lot of our trip, I don't have a real lot of video space so it won't be really really long but if anyone sees me with my cam make sure u get on it......I wanna make sure everyones on it!!! Also if someone has any video they wanna submit to me for it please do! Thankss See everyone soon!!!
yup. I actually bought a vid cam for this trip. I also plan on capturing alot of good stuff. Anything I get I'll send it over top you. Mine is sooo small too, Im gonna test it out this weekend to see what its capable of. But it has alot of space.
Work gave me one for xmas not agreat one but got about 45-50 mins recording so could be decent lol not sure if im bringing it Prob will launch it in hand luggage though and have fun looking back at the memorys prob use more for daytime because its never going to fit in my pocket
I have the one I bought for my trip in 2005. I just need to pick up some mini DV tapes and I'll be good to go. I plan on catching some action at the hotel and will likely take it to the CC party.
I will be doing lots of videos too.. I have 2 memory cards i'm bringing for my camera.... I'll share then after we return...
I'll bring my video camera as well. Please let me know if any of you girls are interested in coming over for some home made porn.
That's good advice in general. Definitely don't get too drunk unless you are around trustworthy people who can take care of you and make sure you don't do anything that you'll regret later.
Just hang around people that will video it and broadcast it across the web so you are learning a valuable lesson which otherwise you wouldnt and may repeat ;0