Roxie.... worst case scenario we would be happy to mail you some if you can't hook up any other way Jeff n Rhain
Anyone want anything from Boston? Best I can do is day old cannoli I live next door to Mike's Pastry.
United, but we are 18-24 for we are a day off from you. We leave Sat 18th 5:30am and get to Cancun at 11:38am!!!
Yikes! Is it going through Florida? My friend is doing that 11:38 united flight from florida on Saturday. Mine is a 5AM flight - but it gets me there 11:30AM on the same day!
we stop in Dulles. We get there the same day also! Like 6 hours total! We will have to buy you a drink! Whats your fav?
We are planning on being there the same time as well and I could bring you some if you like too!!! They are my fav on ice cream.....when i go to DQ i get a cone with sprinkles.:icon_biggrin: