Can it be true?? Starbuck's at last??

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Jim in Cancun, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. 212eric

    212eric Guest

    +0 / 0
    This is an old post string, and I can't figure this out: if you're not a St. A'Rbucks follower then why even post or care about it? I don't care too much for Burger King, but you would never find me getting all bent out of shape when a new one opens in the Hotel Zone.

    kmurphy45, there are now 2 St. A'Rbucks at Plaza La Isla Shopping Village, 1 more I believe at Plaza Caracol and another that I went to at Plaza Hollywood near Wal-Mart.

    What day does St. A'Rbucks day fall on this year anyway? I'm planning on gettin' all caffined up but good!

  2. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Plus the one at Luxury Av. and 2 more on town. (one about to open in front of Casa Blanca and or Prepa Tec Milenio) I do not like or drink any kind of cofee but knowing whats going on at town is part of my duty.
  3. cunspin

    cunspin Guest

    +0 / 0
    It is actually opening directly across from Monteverde and they are opening Manjee(sp?) as well
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