The one at La Isla is definitely open, I saw it yesterday. With all the Burger Kings, McDonalds, KFC etc etc I dont think another big franchise opening up is anything unusual. Those that enjoy it will use it, those that don't won't.
I remember my coworkers busting my chops everyday "How can you spend $3.00 a day on Cigarettes?" and then EVERYDAY they would HAVE to have thier $5.00 cup of java, or a $6.00 Latte.
Big difference IMO between coffee and Cigs I am not harming anyone by drinking coffee Ciggarettes do as much or more harm to nonsmokers regardless of the price.
I never smoked in fron of any of my employees. This was refering to the "Addiction" and the money involved. That´s all. I really don´t want to get into the second hand smoke thing. I am a courteous smoker.
Today at 9:00 I have invitation to the official inaguration of Starbuck´s at Ls Isla I am not going but my daughters will be there.
As if the greedy folks at Starbucks aren´t greedy enough. Now you get to pay even more.