Just don't be a creeper, be respectful and take only pics of those you know. I rarely worry about the background as I'm usually drunk and just hope my finger isn't in the shot, again! lol
We tend to take our pics later in the day where traffic by the pools is at a minimum and if I do have the camera out during the day the lens cap is on and camera pointed down when around others.
We take our pictures in the early mornings before everyone is up and about. We find quiet little spots and take all of our pictures without bothering anyone. Also, we do it before we eat breakfast, since most of them are swimsuit friendly . No sense in showing the pancakes and bacon we eat ...:musik026:
I usually wake up in the morning and look on my phone pics that others have taken of me at patio's I just let people take pics of me, I think half of CCC has my iPhone code lol.. There usually GREAT pics Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Also be on the lookout for a sexy man in a zebra costume (mini shorts & bowtie with suspenders) who - when tipsy- loves to photobomb. The group we hang with takes lots of pictures and the people surrounding us knows that so there are never any problems. With that said, if other people start taking pictures of us - our guys politely ask them to fuk off. oxox