You and Tom always bring us the drinks, which we appreciate. I like red beer for a couple and then I just can’t do it. I love tequila so I may buy some good stuff in the airport when we buy our Grey Goose. Vodka Lemonade sounds good, too. Can’t wait to see everyone!
We get there on the 22nd also. Planning on heading straight to the pool while they "get our room ready." At least that is what they always used to say when we checked in.
We’ll get a couple of days with some of you guys...Feb 17-24 for us. Ryan will be sure and keep the pool nice and warm for old friends!
Hi Everyone , This will be our first time at TTR . Look forward to meeting up with you all. We arrive Feb 22 - Mar 1.
Our plane out of STL always seems to be the first flight in or close to it. So we are there before noon. For the first 5 or 6 years, they gave us a room right away, but not the last several times until later in the day. We always have a buzz by then and I do not get clothes hung up, etc. . Luckily, they have irons!