does anyone have any info on getting a BUS FROM CANCUN TO CHICHEN ITZA? our flight arrives at 9am and we need to get a bus to chichen itza that day. trying to find out how often the buses run (have read that there is only one which leaves at 7am but don't know if this is correct) and ticket prices. any help would be gratefully received!
Direct bus leaves at 9 am arrives at 12:30 leaves parking lot at 4:30 Cost is 148.oo pesos each way , 88.00 admission to chichen. Prices as of last week.
Thanks for the reply, but that bus will be too early as our plane does not arrive until 9am and we need to get to chichen itza the same day. Do you know if there are any other buses that go from Cancun to Chichen Itza later in the day? Does the bus to Merida stop at Chichen Itza?
not enough time to get there and see it all. if you find a bus you still have to travel there which when we went was about a 2 hour ride, and then to see it all you will be pushing it. If you don't want to spend a full day skip that and go to tulum. they also have a very nice beach to dip in after your done seeing the ruins.
BUS from CANCUN to CHICHEN ITZA We are booked into a hotel at chichen itza for 2 nights so its no problem if we don't get there until the afternoon. I'm guessing by the time we get out of the airport and to the downtown bus station in Cancun it will about midday so we need to try to find a bus to chichen itza about that time. At the minute it looks like we may have to hire a car - didn't want to as its expensive and don't need it while we are in chichen itza - only need it to get there and back.
I think the buses run almost every hour. It will probably be second class.With alot of stops. Go to bus schedule, ADO . and you can find the website and get the times. Look for Piste , as that is the city that Chichen Itza is in. I think somewhere on this website some one gave the info for the bus website. try a search. Good luck
You can also take a first class bus to Valladolid, which leave more frequently and then take a second class bus or colectivo to Piste from there, which should take about an hour. It'll be a lot more flexible that way, and you won't have the 4 to 5 hour second class bus ride to Piste.
Thanks guys for all your help. I think we'll try and get the first class bus to Valladolid, then get a bus from there to piste or chichen itza. Just one thing though! I've looked on the bus schedule website and it doesn't list Valladolid as a destination! Do you know what the final destination is of the bus that stops at Valladolid? I'm guessing it's Merida but could be wrong. Sorry to want so much detail but I don't speak spanish and don't want to end up on the wrong bus! Thanks again
You are right...rthe first class buses continue on to Merida. But when at the ticket counter, just ask for a ticket to Valladolid. I've never booked online for a ticket, but if possible, I'd try to do so. You didn't say when you're traveling, but during holidays, buses tend to sell out quickly on first class. Many times I've ended up taking the second class bus when I needed to travel because the first class buses are sold out.