Buses Downtown

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by jen***, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    Does anyone know the exact routes of some of the buses downtown? Maybe if we put here more or less where we live and where to take the nearest bus to the hotelzone we could try to work it out.
    My reason for asking is that my friend is currently looking for somewhere to live but it's really important that there's a hotelzone bus stop near her.

    Anyone know if there is a bus to the hotelzone from Av La Luna?

    I live near Paseo Cancun for example. I always thought the nearest bus stop was Walmart - untill recently I realised that the R2 goes up to Soriana but takes a right and goes toward the Ford place.

    Can someone help?
  2. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    We live in sm32 at the corner of Chichen Itza, between Kabah and La Costa. Our closest HZ bus stop is on Kabah, in front of the car dealer, so Kabah between the two Chichens.

    Unfortunately, that's all I've got, not much of a bus taker, sorry!
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yeah, Canuck is talking about the R2 too. That's the one closest to my house too. Sorry I can't be more help. I either drive or ride my bike.
  4. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yeah, me too I always drive that's why I have no clue as to apartment suggestions for my friend!
    Any other peeps?
  5. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    Anywhere close to Plaza Nayandei would be extremely convenient both for buses and taxis. Jorge tells me he can take a "collectivo" taxi at the stand there, 3 or 4 hz employees split a cab to the hotels, runs him 40 pesos to the Royal Sands.
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