They are supposed to have straws. I tried straws the first time using the mugs, but quickly got rid of them. They are a hassle. I found if you don't close your mug between chugs its easy to accidently get pool water into your drink. You cant close the lid with the straw in it.
My 20oz ones didn't come with straws. I actually don't think they are supposed to though. I don't even think the 32oz ones do either, because I have never seen anyone with an "official orange". (except for a regular straw that you would just take from the bar). It might have just been something to make the picture look nicer. Looking at the bubba mug website, when you order a mug they don't come with a straw. But you can order reusable. I stuck a regular straw in it, and it fit just fine. I will be putting it to the test in 2 days! And I am not expect, and can be completely wrong on this.
We went to Canadian Tire this weekend searching for Bubba Kegs.. Wellll..... we found some alright.. The 54 oz were on sale, lol.. I have a small bladder, so I'll be the one in and out of the pool all day running to the washroom :headbanger: