Usually just at the pool during the day, but t the same time, no one really cares .bring them wherever
Definately not required but just a way to let others identify you from Cancuncare. We find a mug necessary at the pool -not to keep the drinks cold because we drink them so fast - but does allow you to not have to stand at the bar all the time -it allows me to wander around the pool and chat. We don't take them to the bars, although you could, I would lose them if I did that. So Ed, the answer to your question is that any big ass mug will do:icon_cool:
As others have said, no, you don't have to have the mugs however keep in mind the cups they use at the bar are small so you will be waiting for a drink more than socializing while drinking, no lids and well no one wants pool water in their drink, and lastly their not insulated and depending on when you are going (us in July) a big un-insulated mug will make nice melted ice drinks or warm beers, no bueno! So yes just about any mug will do just make sure it has 3 key features; 1) as big as the drink you want in it 2) a lid 3) insulated, and you will be good to go! We take our mugs every where with us until about 6pm then they go back to the room for the nicer dinners and PatyO's and we just use the small cups they provide.
We pack three cups each. Bubba mug for the pool, capped / stoppered cup for the Boobs Cruise (no-one likes salt water in their drink, or to wear it) and a cup with a lid for paty O. Our last two trips paty O was nn packed and drink lines were longer than we liked, so a bigger cup = less trips to that bar too. But its all a matter of preference. There was a plastic cup shortage many times in april too. However that was thebm busiest we have ever seen it.