I believe when Rogues said "break the seal" I don't think he meant the seal on the cup but on the seal for the bathroom break......lol
Great way to find out who you are --- GOOD IDEA -- posting name on your BUBBA KEG!!! Shotgun (got your msg), I'm gonna get two soon, maybe the 20 oz for wifey in pink and the next size up for me, i'm the beer drinker (actually we both are-but at the pool she like her daquiri's and what not).
---unless someone doesn't like you and puts something in your cup !! ... it's always good to be nice to people !!
The other benefit of having names on the cups is you see " so and so's" empty drink glass and say ,You want another ? and then be Johnny Nice Guy and fill 'er up ! Take it one step further and write your favorite drink on the cup ! .....hmmm , think I'll bring a black sharpie ! or probably in my case " Heeeey ewwwe ovah dere ? Fooo waaaant nuther drinky poo ? "
Glenn and I have ours.........not sure if I will even use it cause I like shooters. I just hate carrying a drink around all day.
I have the big football 52oz Bubba Keg. Anyone ever had trouble with them filling it. I have been to like 10 all inclusive and they have never minded filling it for me. Don't want to get down there and have a problem.