I was wondering if any one had information on the best sites to broker extra Premier weeks at Temptations. This is our first year with weeks and we aren't exactly sure how the process works.
Use your weeks as they are basically worthless on the open market. You'd have to find someone lacking the mental ability to do simple math. Basically the cost difference of going through a travel agent, internet, etc etc. isn't great enough for anyone to risk buying a week from you and then paying there fees, booking there airline, booking transportation, etc.. Best advice would be use your weeks maybe bring another couple with you and give them or sell them a week for like a $100 or something. Nick and Renee
U no what everyone, I don't want to be an asshole or anything, but has anyone actually tried to broker their weeks yet? And is there actually any opinions from any one who has?I understand that everyone is skepticl and so am I, but there has to be someone who has done it. Or atleast tried. Maybe I'm way out of line and lots have tried and I missed it, but I'd really like to know for sure before I try to make an opinion.
True enough........I actually went to the sites mentioned above, but couldnt find any Temptations, was interested in what they would be asking for?? would be interested in knowing??
I just go back to what you got into it. I'm not even sure you could afford to sell a week under the high points system contract. Simple math tells me based on what each week is worth to you and the cost to go one week using your membership vs. travel agent or internet, you'd have a hard sell. Temptations isn't going to help you sell it either for the exact reasons above. They may put there spin/corp. BS on it but bottom line is they know it isn't worth the trouble for the very small sales that would even occur. All that aside maybe you could find someone that didn't do any home work what so ever. But chances are if your buying something from someone you don't know and will never meet your going to do some homework. I guess there might be a slim chance of selling a week off. Andre have you ever figured out what a week is really worth in dollars? Nick