looking less likely everyday can't really find anyone who's interested out of my mates, and was hoping it would get paid for out of this years bonus ... thats now looking pretty unlikely with whats happening to the bank i work at :cry: plus i am off to Chicago in december, Ibiza in june and Munich in September .... still we shall see, might strike it lucky on the lotto between now and march :lol:
i think he means what company u booked with? well if thats the case i booked with theholidayplace seemed quite decent think they are in partnership with thomas cook!!!
I so hope i can go in March 09. not sure my mates are up for it as the cheapest i found was £859, not including pre parties. thats with THE HOLIDAY PLACE plc from the 11th-18th Need some sun as i booked a month off this summer and got only 2 days of rays!!! good old britain. newqay was sh.t. :!:
Don't hope mate...DO! Just book it now pay ya deposit then you HAVE to go or you lose money...weird way to do it but I find the longer I leave things the less likely they are to happen! So whats taking ya so long :lol: