Hi there There are 5 of us from yorkshire North England hitting OASIS Cancun 15-29th march Obviously being english we have no idea what Spring Break entails (except from what I've seen on the O.C lol) Is it really like you see it on TV LOL ??? Any tips or anythign anyone has would be amazing ANyone heading out there the same time or staying the same place fancy showing us the ropes ! Anyone else be out there same time will it be busy!? (PM for email, edited by Mod) MSN if anyoen wants to get in touch!!
welcome aboard fellow brit! u seem to have booked into THE spring break hotel of hotels by all accounts! from what ive read, you booked in the peak weeks too. type 'cancun spring break' into youtube. that should show you what your lettin yourself in for! and did you hear, Sam Allardyce is workin the bars over there this year since hes out of a job!
Welcome to the forum. Tips for Brits: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=26814&highlight=spreang break tips
I am an avid newcastle fan lol and devestated for big Sam! bet he is fun to be drinking with tho!! Wow cheers mate sounds like we have done well I dont think we meant to book the "hotel of spring break hotels" or pick the prime weeks! but BUZZING that we have - will there be many brits out there that time or will we be a rarity! Anyone else out there same time or staying same place? only 8 weeks so excited I can barely drag myself to work !!
Theres always a fair sare of Brits in cancun fella, not like the state of euro places like ibiza or magaluf etc though so we're kinda rarebut not rare enough to write home about You'll have a great time bud I love it, 3 yrs in a row 2008 will be for me Where in Yorkshire ya from then kid?
hello!!! you will love cancun its amazing. Not 100% if we going or what dates. Make sure you go cancuncare party!
Gosh there are tons of Brits going again this year. Last year there was tons of them too. Everyone I met was from London somewhere... There are links dedicated for the Brits on Spring Break....Have a look through and enjoy!
Me, Ian, And rik are along way away from London we even encountered some British chavs upto there normal behavior of causing hassle :lol: