I don't know if I would go that far!!! The girl definitely has issues but he is no angel either. Kudos to him for stepping in concerning the kids....now he needs to either go get a job that can support him like he would like to live or live like he can support himself and not be a money sucker. If he really wants his kids to grow up and be emotionally healthy he needs to find a way to help Brit and make sure that those babies have two parents in their lives. Without Brit he really has no "star power" and needs to get over that and be an upstanding dad. She is not an evil person, just a mess right now and hopefully can get healthy.
I feel really sorry for her to be honest shes defo let the fame go to her head though shes needs her mum to sort her out just get her to move in with her for a few months must be hard being in the spot light all the time like.
Dr. Phil has come to Britney's emotional rescue http://www.tmz.com/ Meanwhile, Paul Stanley of Kiss is looking more like Michael Jackson in his 2003 mugshot, and photos of Celebs picking their noses. Gotta love TMZ
I a gree. Nice Doctor, taking it to the headlines and constantly making comments on her in the headlines...Yeah nice doctor/patient confidentiality