thanks guys :icon_smile: just gets a tad bit old watching every thread turn into a "blame the united states game" its all good and i think i speak for a majority of americans when i say we completely understand that our system aint perfect and it pisses us off as a libertarian is really gets me more than it does most but lets not turn every thread into an opportunity to blame/hate americans at the very least it is its very worst its ignorance thanks again
i know you love at least two americans fer sho we aint all bad but i will admit t can be very naughty at times rob
Thanks for asking. Funny, she just texted me. They are leaving for the airport in Switzerland (Zurich, I assume) and are flying to London where they have a flight out in the morning. So, if everything holds, they could be home tomorrow. Marsh
Fingers crossed they will be home tomorrow, it's bad enough being delayed for a couple of hours let alone turning up at an airport and realising there is no flight. Hope everyone has a safe journey home. Lynfa x
blame well im gonna blame you for one more thing ROB and thats for making alots of peoples trip an absolute and T and all your friends are so hospitable and welcoming......not to mention help us all get right messed up in a fantastic thanks for being got lots of canadians that love you all too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
james, it is so funny at every party we are a part of.......... there is always a running bet among all there as to what time i will start saying those famous words........"i love everybody" rob