Im sick of being "politically correct" people need to grow up and be adults! Take it easy and just enjoy life!
It was funny ... the other day I was in Sears. The were being politically correct and had up the Happy Holiday banners in English and then in Spanish they had Feliz Navidad. So one has to assume that it's only politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas in English. :wink: So in a pinch, say Merry Christmas in a different language and you'll be OK. Jamie
I've gotta agree.....I celebrate Christmas and from now on I'm gonna wish people a Merry Christmas....and if they get offended that is their tough luck :!: Great post :!: :!: Thanx Dream
Yes it is Christmas. and Nothing else. I shouldn't have to change my life around for some ploitically correct nonsense. I would love to see me going to another foreign country and making a stink cause they DIDn't have a tree up..Yeah htey owuld chuck you out of the country. :roll:
:cheerleaders: :cheerleaders: :cheerleaders: DREAM FOR PRESIDENT :cheerleaders: :cheerleaders: :cheerleaders: Of course you would have to relocate :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i hate all this nonsense of not saying christmas, it is absolutely ridicolous, in the usa, canada, europe etc most people celebrate christmas therefore u say merry christmas its the majority, i mean if u went to the middle east im sure they say happy ramadan or u go to israel happy hanukah b/c the majority of people are muslim/jewish, me as a catholic if i went there i would not expect people to have to cater to me just b/c i am not the majority religion