Just came across this http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/s/1039888_cancun_groom_thrown_in_jail
I saw that in another paper as well.......I've been running across quite a bit of stories like this one lately. Wassup with that??!! Michelle
Attempted murder? That must have been one helluva cut on old boy's eye! I'd say the charge may be just a wee bit excessive. I hope the their Consulate can sort this out in a timely fashion. Can't say I blame the guy for popping him when he tried to take his watch.
Dunno a thing about criminal law in Mexico, but if there crimes are defined anything like in the US, the fact that the victim only suffered a cut to his eye is irrelevant to the ultimate charge. What would be relevant is "did the person who inflicted the cut "intend" to kill the victim." We can't assume that he only suffered a cut because he got punched and that's it. He very well could have suffered a cut because the bullet missed the intended target, and grazed the eye......ya never know from these half arsed newspaper accounts. (some would argue that if one shoots a firearm, they intended to kill someone, end of story. That is why some states drastically enhance the penalties for crimes where no one actually got hurt, but a gun was used in the commission of the crime) That is why I questioned the recent flurry of these types of articles. The writing is piss poor, the accurracy is VERY loosely reported, and it appears that the incidents are getting closer and closer to where the tourists stay. I do realize that crime happens everywhere, but it seems as if the reporting of it in the past year or so has become so "alarmist" that I tend to look at them all with a jaundiced eye..... Michelle
I can only see this being the case occasionally. Most times when a person strikes another in malice (battery) they have the intention of injury, but not kill them. At least any rational person that is. Case and point... there is a Private Investigator that works for a local attorney here who was confronted by an angry client and his son. The son went to hit the PI and the Investigator struck the son in the face in self defense. The son fell down, struck his head and died from his injuries. The Investigator was exonerated of all charges. The article does leave a lot of gaps so there is no way knowing how badly the thief was beaten. Alcohol was also probably involved which blurs a person's judgement... like knowing when to quit. Should have used the Force Continuum.
Just a couple of points regarding your follow-up to my post: My post was directed at your comment that the charge of attempt murder was excessive. You seemed to be inferring that because the amount of damage to the "victim" was apparently minimal, the charge should not have been attempt murder. Your 1st paragraph above mentions a battery, which is intentionally or knowingly without legal justification causing bodily harm to an individual or making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual. There is NO requirement of "specific intent" in order to be charged with battery. A battery can occur purely by accident and it's still a battery. Attempt murder requires a specific intent to commit a crime and any act involving a substantial step in the direction of that crime. Neither charge has "amount of damage to the victim" as an element of the offense. That is one of the reasons that it is not relevant to the charge. As to your case in point example, it doesn't conflict with what I posted at all. Unfortunately, it's not analygous to what happened in Mexico either. Anytime that someone is charged with a crime and they have a legal defense to that crime, (i.e. self defense) then it trumps the crime that they committed and will completely exonerate them. Michelle
I cant be sure, but there was a bit about three British marines that were arrested at Basic's Disco for "attacking" the bar manager.... This is the first I have heard about any thing relating to a rolex watch being involved.... Anyway.... I do doubt strongly that there was any attempt of murder or anything close going on. (and 3 marines would have no problem killing someone if they intended to) I originally figured that the bar tried to rip them off and they were not having any of it. So when they tried to leave or whatnot, things got physical. (One of the reasons I DONT like to go to any of the clubs in the hotel zone... The operators of many of those places are real moral-less, lowlifes IMO who take blatant advantage of tourists and really hurt the reputation of the area.) That being said, in situations like this, the local is always going to be believed over the foreigner, especially ones who may have a few drinks in them, and that completely ignores the corruption factor. Just one of the things that needs to change if Mexico ever wants to join the 1st world. IMO Anyway, I figured that they would have been sent home by now to avoid creating an international incident.