Booking tours with EP

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by magic2lola, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. magic2lola

    magic2lola Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I've e-mailed EP with a problem I'm having booking some tours but I've not yet received a reply and our vacation is rapidly approaching......maybe someone in here can help. ( if this is the wrong place for this question please feel free to redirect me)

    I attempted to book 3 tours with EP...
    The first tour prompted me to pay thru Paypay, which I set up an account, paid the deposit thru Paypay with my credit card no problem.

    The next 2 tours I tried to booked "locked" during the Paypal process because I had not yet verified my Paypal account (my bad).

    So I stopped and verified my Paypal account and then tried to rebook the 2 tours that had been "locked" by EP.

    But, when I try to rebook the 2 "locked" tours.... EP says I'm duplicating tours and will not let me advance to the send deposit process.

    The site, also, will not let me "cancel" the 2 "locked" tours to start over with the booking process.

    Anyone with ideas?

    Would I have any problem with availability if I just wait until I get to Cancun to book the other 2 tours?

    Thanks in advance
  2. gene37412

    gene37412 Guest

    +0 / 0
    check your PM's
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I'm surprised that you havent had an email reply from EP, I will let them know of this thread and I'm sure they'll get in touch with you.
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