We are booked! Cant wait to get there. Oct 20-26. This will be our first real vacation and def. first to anwhere like Temptation. Im curious to see how Michelle will react when we get there.We have some friends that were down to BBG a couple years ago and have seen their pics,so she kinda knows what to expect.She's a very free spirit most of the time (specially with a couple rum and cokes) but may take her some time to get comfortable. The 20th is a monday.Think its a good idea to hit the clubs the first night or maybe better to take it easy and get accustomed? We are in our early (her) to mid (me) thirties so we are primed for a little night life,but maybe better to soak some of the resort in. Anyone going to be there at that time that could maybe guide some newbs a bit? Any input would be appreciated and if you are going to be there give us a holler! Will get a pic taken and sent to Steve ASAP.Thanks
If they keep with current schedule Monday is Coco Bongo's ... definitely a good way to start your vacation. As far as your wife getting comfortable...I was shocked at how easily I let loose on our first trip. Like you said a couple of drinks didn't hurt, but really when you get there you will see that TTR's guest are just there to have fun and you will both enjoy yourself. Congrats on getting your trip booked.
Be sure you go out if its Coco bongos! That is a must. We will be there on the 25th for our 4th trip so be looking for us around 1 around the pool!
Joel and Paula we will definately look for you!Noone else is going in late Oct?Ok i guess we take the resort by storm all to ourselves
Not too early.Dont ya wanna make out a trip report on how ya broke in a couple of TTR virgins?Priceless!
Good point!! :shock: :lol: Not too early to tell if I wanna, just too early to tell If I can! :lol: :lol: George
Ok, ya talked me into it! :wink: Actually we had this discussion earlyer here at home. I'll do my best! George
We'll be there on the 25th, our flight lands in the morning and we should be at the sexy pool by 1...