Booked in...excited...nervous...newbies!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Nay, May 26, 2016.

  1. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    Q1 "what about guys on the theme nights? what do they wear?"

    A1 -- Guys "should" wear something that looks good to their lady, so the lady feels that, since She is going to wear something slinkily/sexily/perhaps sluttily revealing, tight and perhaps see-through... he should reciprocate in some fashion. (YES GUYS READING THIS POST THIS IS FOR YOU). Lots of ways to do this, just dress nice in Going-Out clothes, wear something a bit wild for her, yourself, or sort of play off the ladies' themes for your own clothes (e.g. Risky Business, Tom Cruise boxers and dress shirt when the girls are in the White Dress Shirt & Heels Night outfit), like that. Of course, it is Your vacation, so wear whatever you want to wear as the mood strikes you!

    Q2 "Also do girls wear heels or better to just have nice flats-sometimes after a day of drinking heels can be dangerous for me "

    A2 -- Wear heels as long as you want, then dump them when they... uhh... get dangerous to yourself and others, LOL! Generally, our group of girls keeps the heels on a bit later since all the guys really like the ass-jackers, but they end up partying barefoot some by the end of the night (it's safe, there's no glass which can get out on the floor that we've ever noticed). May be wrong on that last bit. Some of the girls simply disappear for a couple minutes about 1:00 A.M. and come back with their sandals on.

    Q3 "Is the water choppy?should i take tablets?"

    A3 - Yes, bring the anti-seasickness preventative of your choice, and you can look out at the water when you are going to leave and see if the seas are in the 1-2 foot range, or up in the 3-5 ft range. If the latter, take the tablets.

    Q4 "What currency and denominations of money will we need?"

    A4 -- US Dollars and Mexican Pesos are what are used in Cancun almost exclusively. Tip in these.

    Q5 "We will be at the resort but also want to go on a couple day trips too"
    A5 -- I bet you one US dollar you will not want to leave.

    Q6 "Is there a shop on the way or something where i could buy sugarfree soft drink?"

    A6 - Several. There are several grocery stores, and convenience stores nearby you can either walk or take the Cancun City Bus (adventure, but cool) to get to, and there's a Wal-Mart (if ya know what that is? Big-ass store with everything, pretty much) on the way, you can have your transfer person whip in there if you tip him.

    Q7 "Are you allowed to bring your own alcohol in or do you need to stash it? We will be drinking at the bars etc but like to have drinks in the room too."

    A7 -- You can bring whatever you want with you. It's good for the resort if you don't drink the booze you've already paid for at the resort, you see. If at night you want yur own bottle's liquor to drink, you can bring it down to the bar, give it to a bartender, and indicate to them "Who" gets to drink from the bottle (not literally From the bottle, that'd be nasty. Who they'll make drinks for From the bottle).

    Q8 "Do the rooms have a fridge?"

    A8 -- Yes, sure do. Little one though. A xix pack of beer, a couple of sodas and some water and that about fills it up.

    Q9 "If we need something while we are there is it easy to go to a shop? Extra money or food. Drinks.waters ?"

    A9 - You don't go to a shot, you simply ask one of the housekeeping ladies, and tip, and they'll make sure you get what you need.

    Q10 "Finally what is LYSOL???"

    A10 - Nuclear waste strength level antiseptic spray used to kill bugs (bacteria) and bad smells. Some people think that by using it in their rooms when they go to Mexico they will avoid illness (superstition, IMO).

    And it is not a problem, it's what I do. See the title...
  2. Nay

    Nay Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 22, 2016
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    +228 / 0
    Thanks everyone
  3. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Edmonton, canada
    +427 / 1
    Boobs Cruise IS QUITE A BIG BOAT IT WILL HANDLE THE SEA WAY BETTER THAN A FISHING BOAT :flagcanada::lotsofmichaelfs:
  4. JSK

    JSK Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Thanks for great info!

    Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  5. Nay

    Nay Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 22, 2016
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    Thanks everyone. We are getting excited...not long and then we will be meeting in person and having heaps of fun
  6. zoniecouple

    zoniecouple Regular Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2015
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    Phoenix, AZ
    +23 / 0
    I hear those Mexico germs wear those funny pointed hats and have mustaches. Lawd have mercy!

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