Wasn't it for glownight that someone (his wife?) had posted pictures of a guy dressed in a very shiny, not to mention small, gold thong wearing green glow body paint? Another option for guys who don't know what to wear!!!:icon_redface:
I grew up in the 80 s and don't remember it. Maybe growing up on a 15,000 acre ranch had something to do with it. A mullett might be more appropriate for me!
Hey WestTexas!! Look in the thread "Florida Fun TR pictures"...this is the type of outfit I had in mind. I remembered a gold thong but I stand corrected, but a thong would work even better for you! Maybe that part was wishful thinking!:angel2:
For an even better glow, you might like to get a size or two smaller than you think you need! In another thread, Zurc is wearing a Graduation Gown (commando, apparently) to Schoolgirl/Glow night!
Like Tere said, I'm going with a graduation gown, those are simple, you can just wear a shirt and preppy tie or old high school shirt.