YOU MUST DO THE Boobs Cruise!!! do not worry about ANYTHING. lisa is very shy, suffers sea legs, doesnt drink much and had a BALL of a time!!!
Boob Cruise on 11/8 Just put the deposit down for our cruise on 11/8. Recently got married and this is our honeymoon, first time my hunny is going to Cancun. Can't wait!:umbrella1:
Chinos is gonna have a blast with you two! It was our honeymoon sept 30th on the cruise. We had an absolute great time! We didnt want to go back to GP after making so many friends on the cruise. We will be returning next year. Go with an open mind and make sure you enjoy body shots, AIWC, and topless/naked ocean volleyball! Skinny dipping in the ocean was unforgettable!
Tandemrider, thanks for the heads up!!! We finally got his passport in the mail yesterday so it's officially official! Woot! Congrats on your recent marriage