Always having condoms handy is never a bad thing it may never be part of the plan but ya never know best be smart when plans change,,,, (.Y.)
Where do people get the alcohol infused whip cream? Do you make it or buy it? We cant seem to find it anywhere to buy
I have ordered it from The International Wine Shop online before. Something like $11-12 a can, but the shipping is another $30. Try Googling whipahol or whipped lightning, maybe you can find someplace local. Our local liquor stores stopped stocking it about 3 years ago
Has anyone ever gotten stopped at Mexican customs with whip cream in there bag. If so what were the results, does it need to be declared.
It was a thing a couple years ago. I think people decided it was pointless since a can is about $10 more than rediwhip. For $10 go buy a pint of vodka haha
Yeah, I usually put on 10-15 of them just in case. One time use and then peel one off...just like peeling an onion! You just never know