The 7th would be perfect for us since we arrive on the 6th and leave on the 9th. I sure hope they will switch.
I have a group of 4 definetely interested in the Boobs Cruise.. We can do July 7-10th.. Perferably the 8th or 9th but we will go with anytime that the boat rolls out!! We're staying at the GP but will make our way to Temptations for the cruise!
I think we have about 20 so far if we go for the 7th. Unfortunately, I cant see us making the numbers for any other day apart from the 7th. So, apologies to those who cant make the 7th. The private group originally scheduled for the 7th have switched to the 6th. This was their preferred date originally but Fridays were unavailable at the time they booked due to the hotel cruise that has now stopped running. Normally, I would have tried to see if the private group would merge in with the extra folks here on cancuncare but the private group is a black swingers group with their own particular tastes and style. I dont think it would be a good fit for either party to put the two groups together. Since we are a month away from 7th July I'm going to open up deposits straightaway. Here's the link Deposits are open - we need 25 to make it happen.
We will be there from the 5th-10th.... If we are in the swingers lifestyle are there any others going to be there that are in the lifestyle?
We have a cruise running on 7th July, which would fit your dates perfectly: We always have some lifestyle couples come along every cruise. But it's not a requirement nor should it put off non swingers. It's more about a fun day out on the boat with sunshine (hopefully!), fun loving people and alcohol than anything sexual.... although things may get a little wild from time to time from those who want it that way
We meet at 9:30am, leave about 10 and are back around 5.00pm The cruise for the 7th July is almost full, just 6 spaces left. Full details at: