Hi all please can you put us down for the Boobs Cruise please we are ther from 29th june to 14 july and looking for fun cant waite
Looks like we would be about half way there. i got 4 ticks if we could get a date. i would probably do the saturday cruise (the 7th) but i dont think thats a date steve usually sails on.
We are at TTR from 6/30-7/5; so I with u guys with a vote for the 4th as well, what better on Independence Day !!!!
The 7th would be great... Looking through the roll call and looks like there could be enough. He's got one scheduled for Sat. Jun 9th so there still could be a chance for that Sat.
Ok, I've been looking at the dates for this time frame and the number of people we have at the hotel (going by the roll call). Here's the numbers available 4th 26 people 5th 29 people 6th 30 people 7th 38 people 8th 26 people I usually work on a figure that 60% of those listed on the roll call will attend a cruise, and that each listing is either a couple or a single - in reality often couples are traveling with other couples not on the forum but who would go on the cruise, so numbers are sometimes higher. Given that we need 25 minimum to run the only likely date is 7th (60% of 38 = 23 people) and even then it is looking tight. However, we have a private booking from a group of 45 (not on the forum) for the 7th already. I am going to see if I can persuade them to switch to either the 6th or 8th, and if so we'll see if we can get enough from here for a cruise on the 7th.
damn, I hope they move their date. We have heard nothing but great things about the Boobs Cruise and the 7th would be awesome... Keeping our fingers crossed!!