I'd be worried but your the one who has to hang out with me on the thanksgiving lingerie night. Sue and everyone else will have more than their fill of pictures I'm sure.:ernaehrung024:
scufty weeeeeeeeeee looks like scufty is coming to join the boob cruise probably the 8th xx:aktion033:
DECEMBER Boobs Cruise well i have checked through posts, and def confirmed for the 1st december ibizasue zurc parkguy mamasita daznally(2) niagrabbw(2 gigglesnboz(2) jmg4944t(2) so 12 confirmed ..anyone else please confirm and for the 8th dec... ibizasue zurc parkguy krager gigglesnboz(2 geo and shawn(2 frbo(2) bullet(4 joe(8 scufty(2) terry and teresa(2) so 26 confirmed .. anyone else please confirm __________________
I started a thread about what theme nights worked best in the past. With this many people we should try to do something. I know Floridafun wanted to try a Red and White Secret Santa Night being that it's December. If any of you have ideas, please post on that thread (don't want to hi-jack Sue's Boobs Cruise thread) and we can see what kind of interest we have. Thanks!!!!!