no worries we will keep it 1st and 8th for another few weeks and see if we get numbers up for the 1st before we make a descion dont worry..
:wave:Hey Sue...Count us down for 4 couples:lotsofmichaelfs:any day between 3rd and 9th! :icon_razz: rangehat: We are easy!!:aktion030: lol.... Cya all Then!!
I certainly don't mean to cut some people out of a cruise, was just throwing another date out there in case the 1st didn't have enough interest.
I think we're doing pretty well on numbers for both dates being 2 months out. Isn't there also a group of 30 couples or so coming in too? Get them on board and we can do one every day for a week. (Never mind, just got a text from my liver saying !@#$ you!)
numbers hey no worries , we def have enough numbers for the 8th, and if we dont get enough for the 1st we could always rent a couple of pedloes and take it in shifts to make the island lol....:mermaid:
Hi Joe, if we have too many then we have to close it down unless we have enough for 2 boats (say 60+ people) which we've done before. The boat we use is actually licensed for 50, although 40ish is a lot more comfortable. As for the actual dates, I'll leave that in Sue's capable hands. Just give me a shout when ready and I'll get things fixed up.