might be a little safer to get them done at home in a more sterile/controlled environment. Even the most professional piercing runs the risk of infection- why chance it while on holiday?
I am getting my belly button done on the 19th of March and looking forward to it. I have wanted to get this done for so long and I am finally going to do it. Will let everyone know how it goes. I have lots of ear piercings like 3 in one ear and 4 in the other.... would like more. Scared about getting the nipples done as I don't want to lose feeling in them.
Yep you better believe it. Pulling out all the stops .... not like last time when I was soooooooooooooooooo shy .... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey funcouple - you go girl!!!! Like Monique I've had my navel pierced twice - mine migrated too ... ...so no more navel piercing for me. It is so very sexy and you will look great at the pool in 59 more days!!! Mrs funlovincpl PS - Fun Couples come from Canada!!!!
Nat has her naval pierced... and I'm hoping to get my nipple done this summer... but I have some more working out to do first.. *L*
Yep you are right Mrs funlovincpl there are a lot of fun couples in Canada but also in NC ...... and thanks for the vote of confidence. Getting it done today. Mrs funcouple