Yes, Ellie no need to apologize...I was just having fun. I could tell that you were outgoing enough that it wouldn't bother you. Marsh
Les, I still cringe when I think of that one, That just sounds like it hurt, ive never had a piercing, just tattoos, but I damn near cry if i get it caught in the zipper haha....
The 4 bars go through the skin on the shaft so it wasn't too bad... you're supposed to wait about a month before sex though...think we lasted about 4 that hurt!!!
Wow no beating around the bush there. Lol probably no bush either. JUST TEASING.........bushes are out of style......everyone knows that.
I was thinking the same thing, I thought at one point in my life I had a high threshold for pain, Im not so sure now, that just sounds painful as all hell