Blue Bay Club Post comments, reviews, trip reports and links to your pictures for Blue Bay Club here. Located at Puerto Juarez it is a short journey by bus to downtown Cancun. This hotel is Bay side. Travel to the party center involves a bus journey and likely change of buses probably take you about 40 minutes to get to the heart of the Hotel Zone. Check the links below for availability and pricing with the following operators: Best Day Cancun Expedia Cancuntravel Travel Center ============================================ We are staying at the Blue Bay Club. Can you take the shuttle to the sister hotel & also eat & drink there for free too? How is the Blue Bay Club? Is it clean? Is the food good? The beach? etc.
Do you have kids? BBC is a nice hotel that is clean. Small pool area and not much of a beach. Yes you can go to the sister hotel, BBG but it's about a 20 minute trip. BBC is located in old Cancun and is sort of out of the way as far as easy accessibility. If you have kids but want to be able to join in the BBG fun, it's about your only choice. If you don't have kids, I would suggest a change to BBG. Check out the BBG Lounge to see if that's what you might want to do. Jamie
Blue Bay Club Yes we have kids. 21, 15, 13, 10 and we are going during spring break or over Easter March 22 - 29. We already have reservations at the BLue Bay Club. SO you can take the shuttle & spend the day at the sister hotel? Eat & drink there for free also because we have an all inclusive package. How is the food? Anything else you can tell me? They would like to swim with the dolphins & my husband would like to deep sea fish. Also thought about the bull fights. Thank you
First of all, Spring break in Cancun is not a pretty sight. You will notice an elevated level of rowdiness starting with your departing airport. If you do some reading here you will find stories of peoples flights to Cancun being horrible because of the SB's. Luckily, your resort is located downtown and away from the party zone. Is your 21 year old going to stay at the resort and watch your younger kids? You have to be 21 and over to go to the Getaway. Do a SEARCH for info on the bullfights. You can decide for yourself if your children are ready for it. Yes, the bull dies an a very bloody way.
Blue Bay Club I am concerned about the food in Cancun. My kids are very picky. How is the food at this hotel. What kind of hotel would you compare this too in the US for example a Holiday Inn, SUper 8 or a Mariott?
As far as the Dolphins go, there is a very good one called the Doplhin Experience out on Ilsa Majures that everyone raves about. Very picky eaters have problems no matter where they go, Cancun or Chicago. So although I would consider the food good, others may have problems. So the answer really is, it depends. As far as the hotel... more like a regular Marriott rather than a Marriott Courtyard. Not the upscale Marroitts resorts, just a regular one. Jamie
oops an oversight on my part, I didnt set the forum to disallow new threads. Since we had a Blue Bay Club thread already I have altered the first post here to include the hotel info that we have at the start of each thread and deleted the original thread that I made. Sorry!
Personally, I wouldn't compare BBC to a Marriott because the Marriotts have a higher standard of food quality & consistancy. They have a MUCH larger food budget than BBC an it's evident in not only the type of food you can get at a Marriott, but also the quality. I would compare it more to a Holiday Inn........& not a crowne plaza holiday inn either...a regular one. If your kids are picky eaters, it proly won't matter where you stay in Cancun, they proly won't care for much of the Mexican dishes. They might start to get a bit cranky after a few days an want something American. The good news is that there are ALOT of American franchise places in Cancun. So if your kids have food issues at BBC, you can at least get them a meal that they won't bitch about in the hotel zone. Stuff like Rainforest Cafe, TGIFridays, Margaritaville, Hooters, Outback Steakhouse, Subway, Johnny Rockets, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Dominos Pizza, Ruth's Chris, Philly Cheese Steak,etc..... Jus my 2 pesos worth! Michelle
bbc I just came back from the bbc in feb.. I am 30 and my x(b/f) is 26... we wanted a nice vacation, relaxing, but still fun... when we first pulled up to the bbc I knew right away the place wasnt for us.... I looked outside to this small pool, hoping there was another one... but No luck :cry: ... tiny bars with only a few bar seats .... beach was horrible :rant: .... The food was horrible :chuck: ... most of the buffets they had out, all the food was cold. I didnt eat at the "specialty restuarants" so i cant comment on them... Insted we took the shuttle bus everyday to the bbg, thank god for that place! :bow: We met a bunch of great people, there were alot of activities during the day at the pool... the pool's are beautiful also at the bbg. The Food was amazing, the staff was wonderful... :clap: :clap: :clap: We dreded each nite having to come back to bbc. But we made the best of it... in the end extended our trip so we could stay at the bbg for a few days... and it was amazing,,, the rooms were beautiful with great views...compared to our view at teh bbc which was a dirty garbage filled parkinglot. Also our room at the bbc, the shower drain did not work so when we took a shower our floor was a huge puddle... after a few days the smell was unbearable. :bawl: Ive heard some people like this place, just wasnt for us! BBG all the way!! michelle :lotsofmichaelf:
Buses I'm staying at the BBC and wondered about the schedule of the shuttle to the BBG as well as the access to public buses at the BBC?