Taryn was amazing, both personality and looks, and had no issues with joining in the fun.... great memories of the body shots..
I know she was awesome!!! I am def gonig to miss her this time but I'm sure the new girls are great too! :aktion030:
Amy n Brenda do a great job. Plus Chinos is back so he's the man. And now Victor is back after many years, plus Christian. So i'd say they're stacked up.
T- WAS awesome and will be sorely missed. Glad that Chino is back in the mix of things! He is outrageous!
I usually use the rule of stay quiet and don't post rather than say something negative (that is why I never post on the camera debate anymore ) but I can't resist. Our experience in February was that the girls acted like they really didn't want to be there. Now chinos more than made up for it. Maybe they were having a bad week. I sure wish chinos was with us right now to put whipped cream and chocolate on jen. It is just not the same when I have to do it myself.
Steph huh...well Ill be awaiting your pictures lynfa, she apparently snuck past our april group to start when you guys were there, I thought It was Temptations policy that I had to approve all woman working in the comfy comfines on the resort haha...
She's from Toronto. Her and her friend Nikki were there for about 4 days trying out and Steph got the job. To be honest I thought she was really quiet and didn't seem to mix much, whereas Nikki was chatting to everyone and getting them to join in... but obviously the team spent more time with them and they know what they are doing. Lynfa x ps - Steph has long blonde hair and is very pretty with a great body..... lol x