i know its kinda stupid but... when u meet someone new what do u do? shake hands? just wave? kiss cheeks once? kiss cheeks twice? hi5? :lol: im mexico we kiss once on the cheek... itd be kinda weird if someone else just shakes and im al kissy hahahaha just wondering, can u help me guys!? thanks!
i really think it depends on the other person and where they are from. i know most canadians are prob more hand shakers ect. as would be americans if youre just meeting random people if youre talking about meeting people from here. then i'd say if youre pretty friendly with them on here. hug/kiss on cheek not a problem i really think its mostly dependant on the person
Yeh, thats what i do, unless its like proper formal, then handsakes all around, but hey its spring break!! nothing formal about that! :lol:
hahahahaha well thanx a lot, i just thought it was gonna be all weird... hahahaha and dennis... i think... oh, nevermind :lol: