Better late than never TR for May 17-26 DavenRose (with pics

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by DavenRose, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. DavenRose

    DavenRose I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    North Carolina
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    Because I am so late with this TR there are already several very descriptive TR's posted so I won't bore everyone by repeating. But I will say that of all the trips we have taken to Cancun/BBG/TTR this one may be the best ever.

    The Cancun airport seems to get better with every trip and we breezed through and made it to the resort in time for horseshoes on the first day, upon arrival we immediately began seeing many of our old friends, and starting making new ones!

    The days seem to run together on me, and my plan to make a daily journal to document each day never got off the ground but I will try to hit just a few of the high spots of our trip.

    Most of our days started at the pool, we played horseshoes everyday, Lynn was my partner most days but Bill and I also teamed up a couple days. We got killed a few times, made it to the finals a couple times and Lynn and I finally won the tournament one day, proudly taking the top prize of Gucci chains and Tee shirts, from Low Rider and Eddie, ( they rebounded the next day and killed us)!

    We also took a day trip over to isla, where we took the water taxi over, rented golf carts to tour the island, and spent the afternoon on North Beach which is one of our favorite spots. We really had a great day, with some awesome people, good food and a few cold beers!

    We also teamed up with Steve and Karen, Jack and Edie,Bill and Chris, Greg and Tina, and Scott and MJ and rented the Temptations yacht. What a day that was. We had an incredible afternoon touring the lagoon to downtown, then crossing over to Isla and anchoring off North Beach for some swimming and partying. There was a boat full of young folks out there as well and we showed them how to party, some of them actually swam over to join and get on our boat. This was a really special day (for several reasons) and it was a blast. I have a feeling a yacht day will be part of our future trips!!!

    We also joined in on the Cancun Care booze cruise, lots of great people were there. We were celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary and were recognized along with Bill and Chris and Glenn and Monique for our anniversaries. The cruise was fun but the rough seas kind of put a damper on some of the partying. Rosa is prone to sea sickness but she toughed it out and didn't lose dinner in the process. We also had the opportunity to meet all the Navy guys on this cruise!

    As with every trip, it is always the people that make it great, we really enjoyed seeing all of our old friends again and making so many new ones to party with on future trips! A few of the very special people who helped make our anniversary trip special were, Jamie and Chris, Jack and Edie, Scott and MJ, Bob and Shelia, Glenn and Monique, Bart and Annette, Steve and Karen, Bill and Chris, Jim and Kathy, Derick and Trina, John and Mignon, Tina and Greg and of course, Pammy, and Karen (thanks so much for the card) Gary and Kathy and Lynn and Ruth, we really love all of you guys.

    We also met some new people that make our trip special including Don and Pam, Jeff and Stacy, Firm and Suz, Ken and Ronda, Garrison and Paige, (she is a great singer) Joe and Lynn, Gus and Sara, all the Navy folks, Tom (ice cube, ice pick, ice man, ice age or whatever Ruth called you) Deb and Linda, glad you survived the stairs on the boat!, Roy and Marie, Gerald and Suzette, Lowrider and Lorraine, Angi and G. If I left anyone out, it is just because we met so many great people that I can't remember them all but thanks to everyone for making our trip special.

    Here are a few pictures we took, sorry we don't have more but my charger broke during the trip and I couldn't recharge, so by the time I edited (especially the yacht day) this is what is left!. Bought a new waterproof camera soon as we got home!
  2. JanScott

    JanScott I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    Ottawa, ON Canada
    +113 / 1
    Great TR and pics, Dave & Rosa!

    We will definitely have to do the yacht trip when we're there this September!

  3. icecube88

    icecube88 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Bensalem PA
    +919 / 0
    Great TR... And it was an honor to meet you both.... :D
  4. welshgirl

    welshgirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    great trip report! :lol:
  5. Roy and Marie

    Roy and Marie Guru Registered Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    Western NC
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    Great TR and Pics Dave , it was great to finally meet you and your lovely wife , we do wish we could have spent more time together and we both noticed in your sunrise pics how calm the water looked :wink: congrats on your anniversary (in case I didn't say it before :partytime: )Hope to do it again in Sept. :D
  6. msstewart

    msstewart Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Great meeting you both . Was also glad to meet new people and see all our old friends from years past. Hopefully we'll make next year's trip. We might have to get pointers on how to take the yacht trip from the Monday crew. Mike and Sue
  7. cash0268

    cash0268 Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 6, 2008
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    Franklin, TN
    +0 / 0
    Great TR and we loved the pictures. It sounds like the boat trip was a great time. Maybe we can find some couples to get together and put one of them together. The view from your room was beautiful, may I ask what your room number was. Would love th have a view like that!
    Wayne and Jeanie :lol:
  8. gardy121

    gardy121 Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 7, 2008
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    great TR and pics- it was great meeting you guys and hanging out with you during the trip. I actually think you and Rose were the first people we recognized from the board, and I'm very glad Paige and I came over and introduced ourselves to the "Fun Crowd".
  9. funcouple

    funcouple Addict Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Saskatchewan, Canada
    +0 / 0
    Hey guys, was so great seeing you both again, and looking better than ever. Nice pics and TR .... hope to see you again either in September or May. Take care.
  10. DavenRose

    DavenRose I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    North Carolina
    +1 / 0
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